The second amendment was adopted in 1791. The Constitution does not define arms, but regulation on them is part of our Federal law. I interpret the second amendment as intentionally broad and meant to evolve in definition. The technology around the time of America’s founding includes
- Telling time accurately
- Toilets
- Stoves
- Electricity
Arms technology was relatively basic, of course.
Today, no one is ousting Deep State overlords with AR-15s and AK-47s. These are fantasies, just like bunker busting platoons with grenade launchers or launching fire barricades with Tesla flamethrowers.
Semiautomatic rifles (SARs) should be banned. The constant rebuttal is that if you ban guns then only criminals have them, and this is exactly right. If you have a semiautomatic rifle, you are a criminal. If it is your calling to grip that hot and smokey steel, Uncle Sam is happy to have you.